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必去菲律賓 Romblon Beach Resort 潛水旅遊的 10 個理由

A must go Instagram hashtags for travel – Romblon Beach Resort

2020 開幕的 Romblon Beach Resort 為水攝潛水員量身打造的設施與全方位的硬體設備


The Romblon Beach Resort in Romblon has everything settle for underwater photographers and a diverse facility to meet underwater divers, fun divers and families to relax and internet celebrities to take photos.

Romblon Beach Resort

必去 Romblon Beach Resort 的 10 個理由 / 10 Reasons to go

1. 報價清楚,回復快速

中英文都可以通報價邏輯清楚且明確,有任何問題能在短時間內獲得答案。老闆們台灣人,用中文就可以溝通囉。Clear price and fast response.The price and quotation are nice and clear. All the questions are responded within a short time.


有時候出國潛水想帶家人,都會怕當地吃不好住不好,被家人嫌。在朗布隆渡假村慶生求婚不會被念一輩子。也可以帶網美朋友來裝逼拍照。潛水裝備也可以租借。Everything is new and fully set upSometimes I want to bring my family to do a dive trip with me. Considering the facility and environment, I give up the option quite often. It’s not the case in Romblon Beach Resort. The resort is just fine for a birthday celebration or propose. Trust me, the arrangement would be safe. The photos taken here would receive lots of likes for Internet celebrities. For travel light, the diving gears are able to rent.

3. 空間寬敞朗布隆渡假村占地廣大

整體給人放鬆休閒的感覺。房間與浴室空間也很足夠,能夠將裝備跟相機裝備全部攤開。房間內插座數量兼具美感與實用性,同時插座不需要轉接頭,也有USB插孔。Plenty of spaceThe whole resort is huge. I feel very relax. The space in the room and bathroom are big enough to gear up the diving gears and camera sets. The number of sockets in the room nicely balance between nice looking and functional. The sockets are designed for all countries and there are also USB sockets.

4. 服務周到潛店內部溝通確實,服務態度很好也很周到

一到籃子已經放在房門口,東南亞必備的幫組裝備跟幫清洗也都有。而且有用心,潛水裝備大同小異,曬乾後送回房間的時候,我滿驚訝他們都記得我們每個人用甚麼裝備。而且我本來其實沒講我生日,結果一早就被識破。 Nice serviceThe communication internal is well organized and so does the service quality. Everything was all set up when we arrived. I was quite surprised that they did remember everyone’s gear when gears were brought back to our room. I thought all gears looked the same…Also, I didn’t mention it was my birthday, but they knew it…


非半淡水朗布隆渡假村所使用的水皆經過處理,都是真.淡水,洗完澡不會覺得身體還是黏黏的,就算潛一個禮拜也不會過敏。泳池的水跟洗裝備的水也是真的淡水。Super freshwater .Resort purified water on their own. Thus, water is very fresh and not salty. After the shower, the body feels nice like in the home. The water in the pool and to clean up gear are all not salty.


超重要阿! 朗布隆渡假村的相機房插座很多且空間很大,同時現場也可以租借不同型號的相機,從TG系列、RX系列到大相機都有。而且渡假村老闆們全部都是水攝大師,有任何問題都可以請教。 Camera room.It is very important that my baby camera has its own room and own space. The Camera room in Romblon Beach Resort has lots of space and plenty of sockets. There are different type of camera to rent, such as Olympus TG sets, Sony RX sets and up to big cameras. All the owners in the resort are professional photographers. It is also a nice experience to learn lessons from them.

7. 食物好吃

廚師會因應各地口味不同而有所做調整且菜色不重複。很多地方我都覺得難吃到我煮的還比較好吃,但這邊比我的手藝好500倍。朗布隆渡假村的官網也有很多美食的照片,而且他們還親手做了生日蛋糕給我,鮮奶油超級好吃! 生日願望許的減肥立刻破功。GOOD FOOD.The cooks change menu and favour by guests and try to do different dishes every meal. There are many places provide food that I think I can do better. It’s not the case here. The cooks are 500 times better than I do. They post many of the food phots on their website as well. They also made me a cake. The cream was just fine that my birthday wish – to lose weight is not going to happen…

8. 岸潛輕鬆

有些沙地的岸潛會因為沙地鬆軟非常難走,朗布隆度假村 house reef 即使是退潮,路程也30秒不到就可以入水了。 Easy shore dive .There are some sandy shore dive is not easy to walk because of the soft sand. The house reef of Romblon beach resort is so short that even during low tide it no need to walk more than 30 seconds to get into the water.

9. 物種主題性強

凡舉美葉、各種海龍海馬、麒麟魚、皮卡丘、壽司蝦、釉彩臘膜蝦、Pink eye Goby、達摩、小白/紅龍、妞妞魚等等都能找到。Top favor critters to see.There is a diversity of critters to see, like butterfly sea slugs, all kinds of sea dragons and horses, Mandarin fish, Pikachu, Sushi shrimps, Harlequin shrimps, Pink eye goby, hairy goby and more to see.

10. 危機處理與應變能力強

這點也是我決定發文推薦的理由。我們這團受到COVID-19疫情影響,一波三折,先是去之前菲律賓斷航,再來是馬尼拉lock down。發布記者會的當下我們人在那邊,潛店不但幫我們關注當地新聞且在協助我們離開菲律賓的交通上非常的給力。從頭到尾,潛店的態度都讓人感覺安心且值得信賴。 Risk management and quick response.This is actually the main reason that I do a post for them. Affected by the CornaVirus, there were two big crisis that we faced. A. All Taiwan airlines were banned to travel to the Philippines. B. The Manila lockdown took placed on the 12th of March. It was our first day of diving when the Press confluence released the news. Romblon beach resort provided us with the first-hand local news in time and helped us to rearrange the transportation. The way that they deal with the situation was really reliable and powerful.

Romblon Beach Resort


如果要說有甚麼缺點,唯一的缺點就是交通不便,台北馬尼拉先花了2.2小時,再搭shuttle從一航換到四航,再1小時25分鐘飛到Tablas機場,再搭1.5小時車到港口,再一小時船到朗布隆島鎮上 ( 因應疫情需求,我們必須去鎮上報到量體溫 ) 然後再搭螃蟹船回潛店。從台北出發到潛店大概要13個小時。回程我們從朗布隆島搭夜船,晚上八點上船,清晨五點到八打雁,再三小時車程回馬尼拉機場。以從台北出發的潛水而言,建議去程飛機回程船,銜接上會比較順。


航空公司 : Cubu airline 

塔布拉斯機場代號 : TBH

MNL – TBH 每個星期三、五、日,下午13:15-14:35

TBH – MNL 每個星期三、五、日,下午15:05-16:20


船公司 : 2Go

八打雁港到朗布隆港 : 每星期二、四、六,晚上 9:00-06:00 ( +1 )

朗布隆港到八打雁港 : 每星期三、五、日,下午 8:00-05:00 ( +1 )

船上有上百人的通鋪也有四人房含衛浴。真心推薦請朗布隆渡假村幫忙買船票不要自己網路上訂。由於馬尼拉 lock down,朗布隆渡假村當下就幫我們改了最早能離開的船班。網路上買的聽說不能改。

這次的經驗我們學到機票一定要在官網買,3/12晚上我們聽說要宣布 lock down 的瞬間,立刻上官網改票,回到機場提前候補 10:45 離開的班機,沒有在官網買的團員就麻煩很多。How to get thereThe only disadvantage is that Romblon is so remote. I spent almost 13 hours from Taipei to Romblon Beach resort. It took 2.2 hours from Taipei to Manila, then hopped on the shuttle bus to change terminal from 1 to 4, then a 1.25-hours flight from Manila to Tablas, then a 1.5-hour car ride, then an hour boat trip to Romblon island to check-in and check body temperature (new rule due to the CoronaVirus) then eventually a small boat to get to the resort. As for the return, we caught to evening ship at 8:00 from Romblon and got to Batangas at 5:00 am the next morning. Then a 3-hours ride back to the airport.Flight informationCebu airlineTablas airport code: TBH

MNL – TBH Every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 13:15-14:35

TBH – MNL Every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 15:05-16:20Ship information2 GoBatangas to Romblon port: Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 21:00-06:00 (+1)

Romblon to Batangas port: Every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 20:00-05:00 (+1)

There are private rooms with bathroom and hundreds of open bunk beds. I personally recommend having the resort book for you instead of to book on the internet on your own. Because of Manila lockdown, Romblon Beach Resort helped us to change the earliest departure. It is said that people purchase through the internet were not able to change their ticket schedule.

Romblon Beach Resort


水溫 : 27-31度能見度 : 15-25米最適合月份 : 除了颱風的八九月外,都適合

Dive siteWater temperature: 27-31 degree CelsiusVisibility: 15-25 metersBest season: all years but not typhoon season during Aug-Sep

朗布隆渡假村相關資訊More about Romblon Beach ResortRomblon Beach Resort

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